Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Music Website Analysis

The music website I’ll be analysing is a band called ‘Tellison’. The reason I picked this band is because they’re not that well known or famous and I didn’t want to be influenced by an artists well known ‘star’ image. Their website appears to be fairly simple and plain, but this may be the case because they do not have enough money to invest in someone to create an eye catching website.

The first thing the viewer gets to see is the Header of the webpage which shows the name of their band and the name of their new album. This draws in the audience about their new album and is a way of advertising the viewers to buy this album. Below this they provide a link to follow them on Twitter which benefits the band as the more people that get to know about them, the more popular and famous they will become. The fact that the viewers are able to keep up to date with their lives also means that when the band are planning a concert or a gig, the ‘followers’ on twitter will be the first to know. To the side of this is also a link for people to add them on Facebook. The fact that they decided to put links to the two most popular social networking sites means that most people who go on their webpage will more likely have either Facebook or Twitter.

Below this are tabs including news updates, videos, photos, live events and information about the band. This therefore means the viewers are given as much information about the band as possible so when there are upcoming events or new pictures from a previous concert, the audience are able to relate to the band for those purposes.

In the body section of the website, it contains a link to buy their CD online, but also includes other options for the viewers to buy their music for example, Amazon and iTunes. Again, this is an easy way to persuade their audience to buy their music as people tend to want a fast and instant way to download music, and the sites they provide to do this, do that exact job.

For people who have not heard of their music before, they present a music video from YouTube in the side bar, to give the viewers a taster of what their music is like. Therefore, if they like the sound of the music then they can click on the link to buy the album off Amazon or iTunes.

Further down in the body section of the website is general news from the band members, where they blog information updates for the viewers purpose only. This is a good way to interact with the audience as the viewers will feel like the band members are talking generally to the person reading the comments.

The colours of this web page related to the colours presented on their new album, which is mainly black, white and blue. This therefore means the audience are constantly made aware of their new album, especially as the background of the website is the picture of the front cover on their CD.

This is an image of their webpage:

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